How can someone, who exuded so much hope for so many people have fallen so low in his approval? When you think about it, the promise for hope and change started fading early. In the 2010 election, in his own words: “we got shellacked.” But why? The GOP was a flat nothing. The tea party offered only the same old GOP Maxim: “no government, no taxes, no minorities.” In any other situation, the tea party would have gained little if anything, but only if Obama supporters had not simply stayed home. A combination of disappointment and disgust among former Obamaphiles, brought on by Obama himself, brought the party of NO to power. The nation has suffered the consequences ever since. His missteps are far too numerous to list here, starting with the mortgage foreclosure crisis he inherited but did nothing to curtail. Other mistakes have only continued across the board. The only way he won in 2012 was because so many people saw what happens when Republicans are in control and wanted none of it. Now, Republicans are regrouping around, not their old tried and untrue ideology, but the notion of “party loyalty”. This tribal instinct may very well broaden their appeal in 2014 and 2016.But if they win again, we would have only Obama to thank.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401