Do we really need to impose punitive tax rates on high income earners to finance the government?
IF It’s not hard to see a massive flow of cash occurring when YOU THINK ABOUT THE MONEY MAKERS OF ALL STRIPES AND SIZES (APPLE, BOEING, AT&T FOR EXAMPLE) (WHO PAY NO TAX AT ALL) IT’S NOT HARD TO SEE A MASSIVE FLOW OF CASH OCCURRING 24/7/365 THAT COULD BE TAPPED AT A REALLY LOW RATE AND YET PRODUCE A SIZABLE INCOME STREAM FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. SO, IF IT REALLY IS COMMON , WITH NO ONE WHO LIVES OR WORKS OR MAINTAINS A BANK ACCOUNT IN THE USA, HOW ABOUT A TAX CODE THAT INCLUDES EVERYBODY? WE COULD CALL IT A “COMMON TAX”. I don’t have the resources to calculate just what that tax would be but based on what we hear occasionally about big money makers – untaxed entities prospering in America’s economy (but not sharing a dime of their income to keep America solvent), it’s possible that tax rate could be unbelievably low. Fortunately, there is already a system in place, running smoothly without complications, that would make a Common Tax collection automatic, but that’s another story.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>