Thin Ice

Everyone keeps saying the Republicans are in trouble.. There is ample evidence to support this opinion. Lord knows, the Donald has made it difficult to overlook his constant lying on just about everything. We are left with a fundamental question: can we trust the Donald to keep his finger off the button, especially in a situation that might involve military considerations. Forgive me if I say this is doubtful, but we have no choice. Trump got elected because, when you combine his base with regular GOP voters, there are more “Republicans” than Democrats and because he personifies, in one human body, all the faults inherent in the Republican electorate, such as: indifference to human suffering, straight- faced mendacity, fiscal irresponsibility, whatever else you dislike about politicians, you will find it in the new GOP, and the Donald has it in spades. As long as there are lots of people who identify with the Republican tribe, the Donald will have a reliable base upon which Republicans can count to get them elected, regardless of their horrible border policies .

Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>

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