Quoting Lindsay Graham as one of Donald Trump’s most servile supporters, Eugene Robertson (April 23, 2019) recited the constitutional basis for impeachment,okp and it does not require conviction of a crime. As Robertson points out, it is about “cleansing the office… restoring honor and integrity”. If there were any other human being in that oval office besides who is there now, these reasons might be enough, but in the case of the Donald there is another, more critical element: TIME. We don’t know how much time we have before some part of the world explodes in crisis, requiring a reasoned, measured, response from the United States, exactly the kind of response we cannot count on now. So, we must take advantage of whatever time we have to “cleanse” the office without further delay.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 hfs@sosbee.com <mailto:hfs@sosbee.com>