[ dear editor: this submission is more in the nature of an essay than an “as you see it” letter. You may want to treat it as such.There is a radical idea here.]
We know pretty well what does not work on the immigration situation that is: everything Trump comes up with returns to dreck. His policies don’t work because they are aimed at the wrong goal, that is: keeping people out. Trump has no love for (nor even a willingness to accept as neighbors) anyone who skin is not white. Unfortunately, this attitude ignores the reality that white folks all over the world are not reproducing fast enough to maintain numerical superiority. We’re going to need immigrant labor in large numbers just to maintain America’s prosperity engine and keep it running. At present, however, only people of color are showing up. So, as a result, Trump keeps throwing obstacles which hurt more than help the United States economy in both the short and long run. As an example, closing the border.This is the absolute most damaging, least effective action conceivable! It simply shuts down too many important economic activities. What to do? How about a 180° turn from KEEP OUT to WELCOME…? If we could pull that off, of course, there would be an even larger flood of immigrants surging Northward, but we already have that, so what? And both political parties must, as an absolute minimum, restore substantial aid to the three Central American nations that produce immigrants in the highest numbers: Columbia, El Salvador, and Honduras. If we could somehow improve living conditions in those three countries, it might be possible that our “keep out” policy would shift into one more aimed at recruiting than rejection. We wouldn’t need a “big beautiful wall” at all. Wherever vehicle or animal control is needed, an ordinary fence would do perfectly well. And our 330 ports of entry could become 330 “welcoming centers” where arriving immigrants could be offered a drink of cool, clear water, a hot meal, shower, undisturbed rest, new clothing, counseling, and a photo ID card showing them to be an official immigrant: student, seasonal worker, or potential citizen. We need these people. We should make them feel welcome, not treat them as animals.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 hfs@sosbee.com <mailto:hfs@sosbee.com>