In all of the history of mankind it is doubtful there has ever been a chapter as foolish, cruel, heartless, or thoughtless with resulting complications so vast and intractable as Trump’s southern border policy of separating families.You can not take a child away from its parent for any extended period (certainly not permanently) without causing permanent mental damage. Did anyone in the Trump camp expect this to turn out differently? The only course to take at this point is to establish a “Manhattan” project with a person in charge that has complete and total authority to set up reunification centers and do what is necessary to get all the separated kids in one place where separated parents can come and look for them. This should be done immediately and at federal government expense with no limitations. We, meaning the United States of America, created this humanitarian catastrophe. It is up to us to resolve it with the least amount of harm to all the victims.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>