Thiessen’s latest

If Marc Theissen ( February 1, 2019) thinks the ideas put forth so far by potential Democratic candidates are “too radical”, wait ’til he sees some really radical propositions. In the meantime, anything any progressive pol advocates will be labeled “socialist”, which is the right-wing’s favorite dirty word. What thinking people need to do is ask: What is wrong with socialism? It is a hell of a lot better than anti-socialism. Also what is wrong with taking a healthcare system that works beautifully for seniors and applying it to the whole population? We already spend (what?) three trillion on a health care system that leaves millions of people uninsured. Why not get better care for that money? College Tuition: Thinking people know two things: 1. College tuition is out of reach for too many really good students. 2. America will need a better-educated citizenry in the future to maintain its place in the world. Do the math. Put more kids through college. As for Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax: Is it not the most logical source for reducing the national debt and financing beneficial programs, that you assess the massive accumulation of wealth by those who have figured out a way to tap into the flow of money that is the American economy? Show me an idea, Marc. I am listening.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>

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