Tell the people at the SEIU about an easier way to cut into the profits of the dialysis “profiteers”. It is quite simple, really. Just get some fat cats to put up a few million dollars of seed money, buy some dialyzer machines (I’m not sure how many thousand dollars each one costs), recruit some really good nurses and technicians by paying them half again as much as they are getting now, rent some space in the area where there are already dialysis centers run by the “profiteering” company. When all this is set up, send a letter to every nephrologist within 50 miles or so notifying them of your lower prices and better staff. Be sure to get your relations with Medicare, Medicaid, the insurance industry, and the Veterans Administration established ahead of time. Price competition is one of the quickest ways to build market share.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>