Reunification of the migrant children with their parents has been ordered by the court. It will not be easy to ascertain where each parent of a kidnapped child has been moved. They are scattered all over the country. So here is how to do it the easy way: 1. Move all of the kids to one central location, one of the detention centers, for example, and designate it the Reunification Depot. 2. Reassemble the migrant parents in manageable size groups and transport each group, in turn, to the reunification depot. Give priority to parents of the youngest kids. Allow the parents to mingle with the kids until they find their own. Then watch the happy reunions. The commercial airlines should be encouraged to provide special low-cost fares, and benefit therefrom any favorable publicity. Families thus reunited should then be allowed to go through the regular immigration process without prejudice.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>