Every time a Trump supporter.tries to justify one of Trump’s initiatives, the magic word “mandate” pops up. They rationalize that, since Trump is, in fact, president, his campaign promises automatically become “mandates”. What this argument overlooks is that Trump was not, in fact, elected president. He was “selected” by the electoral college after losing the election by almost three million votes. As for his “mandates”, one should regard what a stump speaker uses to get an audience reaction (such as “lock her up” and “repeal Obama care” and “who’s gonna pay for the wall?”) not in any way as mandated by popular vote. They are what they are: red meat thrown to a hungry audience craving something to cheer about.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 hfs@sosbee.com <mailto:hfs@sosbee.com>