Republicans took a look at Donald Trump and did the math. They saw that the number of people at his “rallies” who screamed approval of his bigotry, when combined with the usual number of registered Republicans who can be counted on to vote Republican regardless of who the candidate is, if these two cohorts could be combined, especially in certain electoral districts, it just might be enough to beat Clinton in those districts.So they swallowed their principles (what ever those might be) and fell in line behind a known con man, a grifter, whose unique talent is his ability to give voice to the worst in our human nature. Republicans knew that Trump was mendacious in the extreme, disgustingly vain, of limited intellect and limited patience, among many other things. What they didn’t expect was that Trump would be mentally dense enough not to grasp the effect of his “zero-tolerance” policy on families seeking refuge from inhuman conditions in their home countries. Most Republicans probably did not expect anywhere near the degree of cruel indifference exhibited so far by the White House. But cruel indifference is the only way to label what is going on down at the border.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>