Get real!

Let us face it! The only way to stem gun violence is to ELIMINATE—not control—ELIMINATE the gun itself. All the background checks, minimum age requirements, and waiting periods will do exactly nothing to prevent the next mass shooting that utilizes one or more of the millions upon millions of murder weapons already floating around the country. Elimination of murder weapons must be total and immediate. Individual jurisdictions (cities, counties, and states) can pass elimination statutes today, or tomorrow at the latest, and start the process of collecting and destroying the arsenal of death that the Second Amendment has spawned. Partisan politics has rendered Congress impotent while the enablers (the GOP, NRA, and Congressional leaders) have actually worked to make sure nothing effective gets done. It is up to the people, not the government, to lead the way.

Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>

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