There is one thing common to all mass shootings, one salient fact, and it is not the mental condition of the shooter, not the circumstances, not the venue, not anything except the GUN! No gun, no unnecessary deaths; no body bags; no unmitigated grief; but only IF (and it is a big IF) there are no guns. What would it hurt, and how would America be disadvantaged if there were no assault rifles anywhere in the country except in the military? What do we need the murder weapons for, except to kill people? Why do we accept a culture that idolizes these guns? Why do we allow a small group of incredibly selfish individuals to control our legislature and hold the entire country hostage to their infatuation with murder weapons? What does ownership of an assault rifle gain for anyone? What would America lose if there were no Second Amendment?
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>