It could be anything; a mental case, someone with a massive grudge, or just some jerk looking for attention. Reasons for mass murder are as varied as the people who commit them. There is no “typical” mass murderer, but there most certainly is a common denominator, and that is the murder weapon or weapons. There are millions of handguns and assault rifles floating around America, not one of which has any purpose except to kill human beings. You do not need an AK15 to hunt deer, or bear, or quail. You don’t need a handgun for any purpose, and if there is one in the house, it is more likely to kill a member of the family than anyone else. These murder weapons can be outlawed by an act of Congress (which we are not likely ever to see). But even if they are outlawed throughout the United States, we will not be safe until they are all turned in or confiscated. Enforcement of gun laws is crucial, especially on the mean streets. You have heard conservative politicians issue the warning that liberals are “coming to get your guns”. You can beat them to it by turning in your assault rifles and handguns at the nearest law enforcement station. If you do this, your home will be free of the risk of the most tragic kind of accident imaginable, that of a family member being killed by an accidental gunshot.