Republicans know full well that Americans want the Affordable Care Act to be improved, not repealed. Everyone also knows that when any Republican politician was campaigning anywhere in the 2016 presidential election, they could always get a cheer and applause with the promise to “Repeal Obamacare!”. Notice they never referred to it by its correct name, the Affordable Care Act, and of course, never described what would replace it. They had no idea. They still don’t. It apparently matters only that the name Obama is involved and that the Republicans have not yet erased every trace of anything with that name attached. It also matters some Republicans that repeal without suitable replacement will, in many cases, cause direct harm to many of their own constituencies, nor does it matter that so many institutions, important ones, and many of our largest and most influential corporations, have declared their opposition to repeal. But still the Republicans persist, not through traditional legislation, but sneakily, in the darkest of night, almost, to force their members to vote, sight unseen, on a bill that will haunt their party for years to come. As my wife said, “it defies logic”.