Conservatives can always be counted on to pull every trick in their book to suppress the vote whenever the stakes are high, including: extreme gerrymandering, arcane voter ID laws, and even a Supreme Court nullification of part of the Voting Rights Act. With conservatives currently in total control of government, it is unlikely that anything will be done to eliminate the various obstacles already enacted to suppress the vote. Further, anything done by a future, more liberal, Congress could easily be undone the next time the conservatives get control. Therefore, what is needed is a constitutional amendment that would survive any attack by future conservatives. So, someone in a position to do so should introduce an amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, to wit:
Voting rights amendment
Voting is both the right and the duty of every adult citizen of the United States of America. To this end, it shall be a federal crime to take any action, direct or indirect, which shall have the effect, direct or indirect, of suppressing or discouraging the exercise of any part of the voting process in a national election.