You could write a book to describe all the ways people disagree with each other. But, in effect, they pretty much boiled down to one thing: partisan politics. For the life of me, I cannot understand why Republicans think the way they do, why they are not aghast at the shameful inequality of wealth and income that exists and continues to grow in America. And why problems we thought had been solved in the 60s and 70s are still with us today, as intractable as ever. How did the politics of division come to permeate all levels of government? Will we ever achieve that level of maturity where people can regard other people as equal for the reason that they, too, are human beings, whether or not they look like us? For starters, can we quit demeaning, insulting, and otherwise disrespecting those who think differently, and replace the negativity with positive proposals? Can we follow the builders and reject the wreckers without regard to their political label?