When you think about it, why did Donald Trump choose that particular phrase “from many sides” to describe the source of the Charlottesville violence? Anyone familiar with the situation knew from the beginning that it was the joint action of several white nationalist groups. Fortunately some local official was quick to issue a correction, to wit: it was the white nationalists. In other words, a bunch of Nazis feeding off their torchlight gathering of the night before. But why try to spread the blame to “many sides”? The only apparent reason would be to divert some of the public revulsion away from the white nationalists, for whom Trump obviously has a thinly veiled affinity. He likes “all those white guys that put him in the White House”, (as David Duke was quick to point out). Now it is up to all right-thinking Republicans to demonstrate to the world that they are indeed not white nationalists. Are they up to it ?