Thirty states responded to the Trump’s administration’s request for extensive data on registered voters. The rest of the states, those who refused to provide such data, have done so for a variety of reasons, one of which is the source, the person who made the request: Kris Kobach. This guy has a well-earned reputation as a champion and active practitioner of voter suppression. When selecting polling places in the 2016 presidential election in Kansas, for example, he placed only one polling place in each of the poorest sections of the state to serve thousands of voters, but numerous polling places in the more affluent sections to serve far fewer voters. The result was exactly what he wanted: long lines of minority voters who had to wait hours to vote. So when Trump asks that question derisively; “What are they worried about?”, those who know Kobach have the answer. It is quite simple: the entire “integrity commission” is a charade to popularize Trump’s contention that “millions voted illegally which gave Hillary Clinton the edge in the popular vote”. Skeptics can envision the master suppressor playing with these data with one thing in mind: “how can I find a way to purge certain kinds of voters from the rolls?” And you know what he means by “certain kinds of voters”.