Republicans elected Trump.. They managed to cobble together enough Electoral College votes in three key states to put him in the Wide House in spite of his opponent gaining almost 3 million more votes. Now, in order to protect the total control of government his election gave them, Republicans are doing everything in their power to keep Trump in office as POTUS. The Republican position is that Trump can do no wrong, can’t even say anything wrong. His every utterance is explained, rationalized, or justified. His every action is accepted and supported, even his blatant obstruction of justice in the firing of James Comey, which would get any other president impeached on the spot. But Trump is not any other president. He has a solid 30 to 35 percent of the voting base that will vote for him no matter what. That voting bloc is what will keep Republicans in power as long (and only as long) as Trump is in office. If he is ever impeached, or pulls a boner so egregious that even tribal Republicans can’t abide, at such a time, all bets are off. In the meantime, Republicans will shamelessly continue their uncritical support and adulation. And America will continue its downhill slide.