Are you a Republican or Democrat? Green or independent? Except for the way you are registered to vote, does it really make any difference? If your entire family: parents brothers sisters cousins aunts uncles nieces nephews, everyone, are rock-ribbed Republicans, staunch supporters of Donald Trump, but you simply cannot abide his many personal faults or regressive politics, does it matter? What if you changed your voter registration to “decline to state”? Could you limit your political discussion to specific issues: immigration, tax policy, abortion, same-sex marriage, etc. without resorting to political party talking points? Could name-calling and hate speech be avoided altogether? What if you lived in a community where no one wore a label, where political talk focused on the issues, with emphasis on who wins and who loses? Would there be more serious discussion? Would more people show up to vote on election day? If we achieved nothing else, could we at least achieve understanding?