Nina Schlobohm’s letter of May 16, 2017, was a commendable attempt to get Americans to allow Trump and his allies the leeway they need in their attempt to make America great again. Never mind that, except for World War II, America has never been greater; the country, that is, if not the pathetic government it suffers under. The problem is: neither Trump nor any of his allies, in or out of Congress has any idea what to do about any of America’s persistent maladies, such as: gross inequality, poverty, housing, education, healthcare, or infrastructure. (Note that border walls, immigrant bans, tax cuts for wealthy, etc. do not make America one iota better in any respect.) Ms.Schlobohm has the right idea: don’t get in the way of those trying to make things better. In the meantime, it is fascinating to watch a genuine con man tried to run a country as great as America.