Headline, page 1, May 20, 2017: “Dems open convention with eye on Trump”. This is exactly what the Democrats should NOT, repeat NOT, be focusing on. Trump is not the Democrats’ enemy. He is his own worst enemy, and will continue to dig himself in deeper and deeper, and needs no help from Democrats in doing so. Further, there is the entire media establishment plus every blogger in the world on constant alert for Trump’s latest gaffes. There is no way in the world the Democrats can match that news-gathering or opinion-generating machine, so they should not waste 10 seconds trying. What Democrats should recognize is that the true enemy of America, those doing the damage, is anyone, on any ballot, local or national, with an “R” by their name. The Republican Party, the GOP, has doing its damage to American small “D” democracy ever since Reagan convinced them that government, taxes, and regulations are “evil forces” to be blocked at every opportunity. So, every message put forth by Democrats from now on should be a recap of some Republican misdeed. Forget Trump. Keep your eye on the real enemy: Republicans!