So much has already been written about the train wreck on its way in the form of Donald J. Trump, it would be redundant to repeat. We know what “the Donald” is. We know how he operates, how he treats people, how untrustworthy his word, how totally unfit for the office he now occupies. We try to anticipate what problems his scatterbrained egomania will concoct next, and what we can do to mitigate them. But trying to whack-a- mole the next Trumpism is not really our worst problem. That would be the Republican Party itself. Trump gets his way precisely because he is doing what the Republicans have wanted to do all along. Trump is Reaganism in spades. Remember, Ronald Reagan started the Republican quest for total control in 1980. Now that they have it, anything goes, and it has already started, specifically: Deregulation that will allow energy companies to dump coal waste into freshwater streams, (ugh!) , and also he would allow the big banks to create another meltdown of the exact type that brought on the current recession. One of these Bush recessions was obviously not enough. “The Donald” wants to allow his Republican friends to create another one. The guys with the big bucks can ride out these economic storms. Ordinary people cannot.