(personal attention: Paul Krugman)
Shame on you, Paul Krugman! You know darn well the Democrat Party leadership stacked the deck against Sanders by scheduling the earliest primaries in locations where Clinton is known to be heavily favored. You know this, yet you have the nerve, the gall, actually, to imply that the calendar “front loaded some states very favorable to Sanders,” when all the front loading was done to favor Clinton. The strategy, of course, was to give Clinton such a big early lead that competitors would be discouraged from entering the race, and even if they did enter, the bulk of the campaign financing and the delegate commitments would already be gobbled up by Clinton. The strategy is working. And were it not for the very unexpected presence of a guy named Sanders (who is not offering more of the same), there would be no primary at all. In that case, we could expect a succession of laudatory speeches by sycophantic politicians and a final coronation at the Democrat convention, only to be followed by a stinging defeat in the general election by a Republican Party with no compunction against bombarding Clinton with all her numerous negatives. Sanders changed that scenario by simply telling it like it is, so to speak, which is: America is desperately ready for drastic, real, not cosmetic nor incremental change. Obviously a large portion of voters agree with Sanders. The essential fact has become obvious: Sanders is gaining and has gained from the very beginning while Clinton is losing ground everywhere. If the Democrat party had not so cynically engineered such an early lead for Clinton, there would be no contest. Sanders would win the nomination easily. As it is, he has the difficult challenge of keeping the momentum going against the full force of everything the Democrat party can throw at him, including the likes of your April 16, 2016, article.You told so many whoppers, it would take too long to enumerate them here. Suffice it to say, Sanders has a hard enough task getting his message across without the need to fight off attacks from people who should be supporting him and his ideas.