MYTH: “A higher minimum wage will cause low-level jobs to vanish.” FACT: ” There will always be work to be done by someone: hotel rooms to clean, lawns to mow, burgers to flip, etc.” So who will do these jobs? And how much should they be paid? Some will say “pay them as little as you can get away with. Their poverty is not our concern. A successful business requires all costs to be kept under control.” Others will say: “it’s not only immoral to squeeze the workers this way, it’s not even good business. A living wage not only attracts and keeps better employees, it cuts down on other unnecessary costs such as on-the-job injuries, pilferage, employee mistakes caused by fatigue when people are forced to work two or three jobs just to survive. What kind of staff would you prefer: well-intentioned, well-paid, and wide-awake; or resentful, struggling, and worn out?