I could not disagree more with your suggestion that we, in essence, lighten up from the fear and loathing being spread by those who would like to be president of the USA. With the number of our fellow Americans, our friends, neighbors, relatives struggling to meet the basic necessities of life, and way too many having already sunk below the poverty line, it is extremely right and proper that we wake up to the political practices that have brought us to this sorry date, and do something about it. Curiously, you imply that Bernie Sanders supporters “care little about the details, of his soak the rich solutions to some very real economic problems we face”. Do you realize that your use of the term “soak the rich” is exactly the kind of fear and loathing that people of means have for those other people who have been shut out of America’s greatness? No thinking person is unaware of Wall Street’s culpability in causing the Great Recession, nor the unsustainability of an economic system that channels all the benefits of America’s productivity to the top while keeping the rest of us scrambling to survive. You may think “things are not that bad” and we should “appreciate what we’ve got.” There are more than a few who would disagree and strongly. The insurance-based healthcare system alone is enough to spark a revolution if we don’t fix it.