Once a myth gets started, it is hard to change. For some reason, the term “passenger rail” only means one thing do some people: a diesel locomotive pulling a train of passenger cars. For reasons too numerous to explain here, that mode of passenger rail is totally unsuited for our rail line and will never happen. What is perfect for Santa Cruz just happens to be an old fashioned, but state of the art, trolley car, running at frequent intervals on the track, fed by small electric shuttles running at similarly frequent intervals on the local, neighborhood streets. Such a system would provide public transit service for the thousands of residents for whom the Metro does not work that well. Large diesel buses, running infrequently (and mostly empty) on serpentine routes, are too inconvenient for many people. The Regional Transportation Commission has gone to a great deal of effort over many years with countless hours of public input to develop the best way to utilize the truly priceless railroad asset in our midst. When the final mass transit mode is selected, it will most certainly not be a TRAIN. The Rail Transit Feasibility study conducted by an outside firm unfortunately focused on a passenger TRAIN. Obviously, they were not familiar enough with trolley car operation to know how it would fit the Santa Cruz situation perfectly. So, quit worrying (and quit throwing mud at the RTC). Trains are not going to be the way people are moved around in Santa Cruz.