When Richard Nixon first ran for public office back in the late 50s, there was a Senator from Wisconsin whose House Un-American Activities Committee had pretty well convinced America that communism had permeated the United States government, and there was literally a commie under every bed. Nixon publicly accused his Democrat opponent, Helen Gahagan Douglas of being a secret communist sympathizer, and it got him elected. That strategy will not work these days as evidenced by the popularity of our leading socialist, Bernie Sanders. Republicans desperately need a new bogeyman, and it appears they have found one in the Black Lives Matter movement. They attempt to dilute the effectiveness of the BLM by proclaiming All Lives Matter. But that’s not scary enough, so Republicans have added another, more of visible apparition: the black Muslim, not an ordinary Muslim, but a BLACK one! Here’s how they cover it in a recent right wing blog: “We have been told that black lives matter and the implication is white lives don’t matter as much. This raises a terrible possibility: that if Clinton wins the presidency, her administration will proclaim Muslim lives matter”. So there is your new bogeyman. Look for it whenever you hear someone proclaim that all lives matter.