Chutzpa, from the Yiddish meaning “brazen nerve”. It’s the perfect word for Howard Myers’ and Rush Limbaugh’s criticism of the Obamas for not using the bully pulpit to improve race relations in America. To put that statement in perspective, consider the past seven years during which occurred what can only be described as the most intense, well organized, and financed campaign of character assassination ever directed at any individual or couple in the history of our country. Now, these same people who have been conducting the “hate Obama” campaign want to blame him, our first black president, for not eliminating the racism that has plagued the US since it’s founding.This is the very racism that spawned the unfounded and counterproductive hate for Obama in the first place. If there were any chance that electing an African-American to our highest office would change the attitudes of people like Limbaugh and Myers, we would be well advised to keep electing blacks until we could see that change begin to happen.