Hillary has two things going for her: her name and her gender. The Clinton name has dominated Democratic politics for quite a while, and the country might be ready for a woman president, plus there seems to be a widespread feeling that “her time has come,” Is that it? Is that all there is to American presidential politics? Certain people get in line and, when your turn comes up, you play at being president of the United States, the single most important person in the world? Or is there something else? Are there economic and political conditions developed during the past 30 or 40 years which have crashed both the economy here at home, and the reputation of America abroad, that must be approached in a vastly different manner than anything we have tried since FDR? We know how Republicans wield power when they have it (Lord save us!). But all we really know about Hillary’s leadership is the way she tried to produce a health plan when she was First Lady, and it was not a particularly memorable experience. It would be a lot different and we could be a lot more optimistic if Hillary were saying the same kind of things that Elizabeth Warren is saying. But she is not.