Whether he intended to or not, Bruce Tinsley, in his February 11 “Mallard Fillmore” comic strip disclosed the Republican strategy for fending off criticism of their obstructionism during the Obama administration. The strategy is simple: exaggerate! Thus, when anyone points out how much better off we would be were it not for the party of NO, simply blame Obama for promising too much, as Tinsley says: “Lear jets and private islands”. Of course, it really is no exaggeration to point out how much better off the contrary would be if, indeed, Congress had passed the things Obama wanted: a second stimulus, a good agriculture bill, a transportation bill, energy infrastructure, equal pay, etc. Any one of these would have generated more economic activity, more money circulating, and general prosperity. Obama simply showed us the way. He never promised we’d get there without Congress. Congress having done no governing at all since 2008 is fulfilling its promise to destroy the Obama presidency.