Do we really need to impose punitive tax rates on high income earners to finance the government?
IF It’s not hard to see a massive flow of cash occurring when YOU THINK ABOUT THE MONEY MAKERS OF ALL STRIPES AND SIZES (APPLE, BOEING, AT&T FOR EXAMPLE) (WHO PAY NO TAX AT ALL) IT’S NOT HARD TO SEE A MASSIVE FLOW OF CASH OCCURRING 24/7/365 THAT COULD BE TAPPED AT A REALLY LOW RATE AND YET PRODUCE A SIZABLE INCOME STREAM FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. SO, IF IT REALLY IS COMMON , WITH NO ONE WHO LIVES OR WORKS OR MAINTAINS A BANK ACCOUNT IN THE USA, HOW ABOUT A TAX CODE THAT INCLUDES EVERYBODY? WE COULD CALL IT A “COMMON TAX”. I don’t have the resources to calculate just what that tax would be but based on what we hear occasionally about big money makers – untaxed entities prospering in America’s economy (but not sharing a dime of their income to keep America solvent), it’s possible that tax rate could be unbelievably low. Fortunately, there is already a system in place, running smoothly without complications, that would make a Common Tax collection automatic, but that’s another story.
Howard F. Sosbee 1400 Weston Ridge Road Scotts Valley CA, 95066 831, 335, 8401 <>
Month: November 2019
Questions for the debates
1. Is it necessary that permanent armed supremacy produce permanent political dominance? 2 is there any power in the Middle East that poses a real threat to the US?.
3. Is it really necessary for America to be the boss of the world?
4. What if we have most dominant military in the world but never used it?
5 What if we close all our overseas military bases?