All Trump knows about Puerto Rico’s disastrous situation is what his underlings tell him. And everyone by now has learned that Trump is unable to handle bad news. So, everything is, of course, going swimmingly on that poor beleaguered island. But when someone reports from ground zero that inefficient bureaucracy is hampering distribution of relief supplies, Trump takes it as an attack on his administration, and thus, an attack on him, personally, and, of course, he must “punch back”. The thought of the President of the United States attacking the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, somehow doesn’t have the appearance of a fair fight, especially since the mayor was pleading for more help, not criticizing any one person. And if any one person deserves a critical postmortem, even at this early date, it would, indeed, be the Donald himself. Has he made any attempt to get volunteer truck drivers to the island to speed distribution of relief supplies that are stacking up on the dock? How long did it take to get the hospital ship going? Punching back may give Trump some satisfaction, but it doesn’t help the Puerto Rico victims one little bit.